Source code for ffflash.lib.locations

from os import path

[docs]def get_basedir(): ''' Fancy helper to find project's basedir. Use :meth:`locate_file` to reach into the package folder. :return: full absolute path to |info_name|\'s basedir ''' return path.abspath( path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(__file__))) )
[docs]def check_file_location(location, must_exist=False): ''' Validate path for a file. Checks for the parent folder to exist, and that ``location`` itself is not a folder. Optionally, if ``location`` is an already existing file. :param location: path to check :param must_exist: check also if ``location`` really exists and is a file :return str: validated path of ``location`` if all above conditions are met or ``None`` ''' location = path.abspath(location) parent = path.dirname(location) if all([ path.isdir(parent), not path.isdir(location), ( path.exists(location) and path.isfile(location) ) if must_exist else True ]): return location
[docs]def check_file_extension(location, *extensions): ''' Validate path for a selection of extensions. :param location: path to check :param extensions: one or more extensions the ``location`` should end with :return tuple: (basename of ``location``, extension of ``location``) or (``None``, ``None``) if extension did not match ''' name, extension = path.splitext(path.basename(location)) if extension and (extension.lower() in [ ''.join([path.extsep, ext.lstrip(path.extsep).lower()]) for ext in extensions ]): return name, extension return None, None
[docs]def locate_file(*parts, must_exist=False): ''' Find files inside :meth:``get_basedir``. :param parts: trail to your file. e.g. ``bla/fasel/blubb`` would be ``'bla', 'fasel', 'blubb'`` :param must_exist: check if located file really exists and is a file see :meth:`ffflash.lib.files.check_file_location` for more :return: full absolute path to desired file, or ``None`` on error ''' location = path.join(get_basedir(), *parts) return check_file_location(location, must_exist=must_exist)