Source code for

from import handle_rankfile
from ffflash.lib.files import check_file_location, load_file
from ffflash.lib.remote import fetch_www_struct
from ffflash.lib.text import replace_text

[docs]def _nodelist_fetch(ff): ''' Determines if ``--nodelist`` was a file or a url, and tries to fetch it. Validates nodelist to be json and to have the *version*, *nodes* and *updated_at* keys. :param ff: running :class:`ffflash.main.FFFlash` instance :return: the unpickled nodelist or ``False``/``None`` on error ''' if not ff.access_for('nodelist'): return False ff.log('fetching nodelist {}'.format(ff.args.nodelist)) nodelist = ( load_file(ff.args.nodelist, fallback=None, as_yaml=False) if check_file_location(ff.args.nodelist, must_exist=True) else fetch_www_struct(ff.args.nodelist, fallback=None, as_yaml=False) ) if not nodelist or not isinstance(nodelist, dict): return ff.log( 'could not fetch nodelist {}'.format(ff.args.nodelist), level=False ) if not all([(a in nodelist) for a in ['version', 'nodes', 'updated_at']]): return ff.log( 'this is no nodelist {}'.format(ff.args.nodelist), level=False ) ff.log('successfully fetched nodelist from {}'.format(ff.args.nodelist)) return nodelist
[docs]def _nodelist_count(ff, nodelist): ''' Count online nodes and sum up their clients from a nodelist. :param ff: running :class:`ffflash.main.FFFlash` instance :param nodelist: nodelist from :meth:`_nodelist_fetch`, should contain a list of dictionaries at the key *nodes* :return: Tuple of counted nodes and clients ''' nodes, clients = 0, 0 for node in nodelist.get('nodes', []): if node.get('status', {}).get('online', False): nodes += 1 clients += node.get('status', {}).get('clients', 0) if not all([nodes, clients]): ff.log('your nodelist seems to be empty', level=False) ff.log('found {} nodes, {} clients'.format(nodes, clients)) return nodes, clients
[docs]def _nodelist_dump(ff, nodes, clients): ''' Store the counted numbers in the api-file. Sets the key ``state`` . ``nodes`` with the node number. Leaves ``state`` . ``description`` untouched, if any already present. If empty, or the pattern ``\[[\d]+ Nodes, [\d]+ Clients\]`` is matched, the numbers in the pattern will be replaced. :param ff: running :class:`ffflash.main.FFFlash` instance :param nodes: Number of online nodes :param clients: Number of their clients :return: ``True`` if :attr:`api` was modified else ``False`` ''' if not ff.access_for('nodelist'): return False modified = [] if ff.api.pull('state', 'nodes') is not None: ff.api.push(nodes, 'state', 'nodes') ff.log('stored {} in state.nodes'.format(nodes)) modified.append(True) descr = ff.api.pull('state', 'description') if descr is not None: new = '[{} Nodes, {} Clients]'.format(nodes, clients) new_descr = (replace_text( r'(\[[\d]+ Nodes, [\d]+ Clients\])', new, descr ) if descr else new) ff.api.push(new_descr, 'state', 'description') ff.log('stored {} nodes and {} clients in state.description'.format( nodes, clients )) modified.append(True) return any(modified)
[docs]def handle_nodelist(ff): ''' Entry function to receive a ``--nodelist`` and store determined results into both :attr:`api` and ``--rankfile`` (if specified). :param ff: running :class:`ffflash.main.FFFlash` instance :return: ``True`` if :attr:`api` was modified else ``False`` ''' if not ff.access_for('nodelist'): return False nodelist = _nodelist_fetch(ff) if not nodelist: return False modified = [] nodes, clients = _nodelist_count(ff, nodelist) if all([nodes, clients]): modified.append( _nodelist_dump(ff, nodes, clients) ) if ff.access_for('rankfile'): modified.append( handle_rankfile(ff, nodelist) ) return any(modified)